Sunday 9 March 2008

The Morning After

This morning, I woke up feeling strange; it was a mixture of trepidation and exhilaration; but I am sure many Malaysians share the same sentiment; it was like a morning different from any other. It was as described by a political party, a new dawn. It is like looking to an uncertain future, stripped completely naked, without that sense of familiarity and security that we have so long been accustomed to. Will the winds of change herald in a new, promising beginning? Or will it lead us along a garden path paved with disillusionment and broken promises and dreams? After the initial euphoria of success, this new breed of contenders to the political power game will have to soberly review what they have promised the voters and the ruling coalition party will have to do some soul-searching to reinvent themselves.

What will the Barisan Nasional do in the aftermath of the thrashing that it has received? On this matter a respected commentator has suggested that in order to rejuvenate a party, the head has first to be removed.

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