Saturday, 31 May 2008

Malaysian Fish For The Table

It has been quite some time since I posted something. It is rather disconcerting that when you don't do it on a regular basis, you become mentally lazy. That's what happened to me. So I thought I had better do it again just to get that cerebral muscle working again.

For want of something to do, I went to a fish market with John to pick up some fish at Parit Jawa, Muar, about 35 minutes' drive from Batu Pahat. I thought maybe I could snap some pictures of fish and the people buying and selling them. The variety of fish that is available for the table is simply amazing. For all the fish that I have eaten in my lifetime, I don't even know most of their names.

The fish market at Parit Jawa

Outside the fish market

A fish auction

Clerks recording transactions

Sorting out the fish brought in

Cleaning fish

A buyer waiting for his fish to be cleaned

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