In an interview with Bloomberg Televison the Deputy Prime Minister said that he was ready to withdraw the special privileges of the Malays, but it had to be done gradually. Yes, that's good news...but when? 10 years, 20 or another 30 years? Furthermore, will it be replaced by another? A rose by any other name is still a rose. So it is hardly comforting to hear it from him. Unfortunately for him too, his image has received a battering from an allegation over unethical practice in the award of the Euro-copter deal and his alleged interference with the trial of the murdered Mongolian woman.

Pic from Malaysian Insider. Full report

While on another matter, in a sudden U turn, the Foreign Minister has rescinded its directive to University of Malaya not to invite the Nobel Prize Laureate, Shirin Ebadi to give a lecture. How often do Malaysians have the opportunity to listen to a renowned Iranian woman speak on "Islam and Cultural Diversity"? The Foreign Minister had explained that he had no knowledge of the directive advising the university's vice-chancellor not to invite her to avoid incurring the displeasure of Iran. Known for her campaigns against the discrimination of Muslim women and children, she is often at odds with the Iranian powerful clergy.
Now that the government has given the green light for her to come, the question remains if she will accept the invitation.
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